Passed: 138Ha
Summary: This declaration was not in fact passed at the Hall of Speakers, but was announced at the Hall by the Harmonium on the behalf of the Lady of Pain and the council of Factols.
Text of the Announcement[]
The Lady's Edict[]
To my loyal Factols, I would like to begin this meeting with a Sigilian classic. You should all know it, I trust; it is named, Sixteen Secrets.
Who in Sigil runs the show? Sixteen secrets that we know…
Athar spit in the preacher's eye, While false powers bleed and die.
Bleakers laugh and go insane, There's no point and life is pain.
Ciphers act on whim and hunch, Weird and mystic are that bunch.
Dustmen're nought but cold hard death, Life is so much wasted breath.
Fated count the jinx they make, Never give if you can take.
Godsmen tumble end o'er end, Seeking always to ascend.
Guvners order realms of dreams, Making rules and counting beans.
Hardheads are an ordered lot, March left, march right, no time for thought.
Indeps are a motley crew, Bloods and berks and shouters too.
Red Death saw your dirty deed, They'll make you pay until you bleed.
Sensates reach to feel it all, True bloods stand, while bubbers fall.
Signers think we're in their head, But we'll remain when they're all dead.
Sinkers revel in decay, By entropy we'll pass away.
Xaosmen embrace discord, Random chaos is their word.*
Sigil's guarded by She Who Flays, The Lady rules, now, and always.
I believe that our song needs updating. Specifically, with the following verse:
“Beggars give all to the ‘verse. Isn’t charity such a curse?”
You should not be surprised by the fall from favour the Anarchists have found. Let it be heard that, I decree there will be fifteen Factions, indivisible, loyal to me, forever more. They may change in name and function, but fifteen there will always be. I have no need for those that would tear them down, as the need for a check against the Factions acting against me is no more.
You know who you are.
As part of my decree, I formally recognise the works and services rendered unto me and my city by the Factions. Therefore, I decree that each Faction is granted further integration and jurisdiction on the running of the city. My servants, the Dabus, will direct the Factols as to the number and extent of these services in time.
Furthermore, I formally recognise the works and services rendered unto me by the denizens of the Cage, be they of my Factions or no, who go above and beyond to represent and expand Sigilian power out on the Planes on a regular basis, as well as coming to the aid of the city when required, without the need for conscription. These true Sigilians will form the bedrock for the cities expansion beyond its borders. The Factions are my arm with which to steady the city of Sigil from future extra-planar incursions, of which many have come to be over the past decade and more particularly.
The Factions fifteen have exactly one third of the year, from now until Dabusdan and the new cycle, one hundred and twenty one days, to reform as per my instructions. Any Faction that fails to do so will die and be replaced. Any citizen of Sigil that wishes to change allegiance following the reforms of the physical operations and beliefs of the Factions has amnesty to change Factions, while retaining some rank. This is my decree, it is absolute.
The Factions' Agreement[]
To enact the changes demanded by the Lady, the Factols agreed upon the following:
The Factions will now have a codified ranking system. For some, that means there will be less ranks, for others, there will be more. They are as follows:
The Factol
Namers need only note their wish to join a Faction, and as such will be known as Namers, ‘in name only’. They are not officially a member yet, and any Namer that leaves to join another Faction will never be viewed from here on out, as a turncoat.
Factioneers must go through a formalized process, as dictated by each Faction and will be made clear to prospective Factioneers at the time. The process is different for each Faction, but it will exist. Once finished, they will be inducted formally into the Faction.
Factotums are those Factioneers that have went beyond the walls of our Faction compounds or even the doors of our city to promote their respective Faction in the city at large or the Planes themselves, and by extension, Her Grace.
Factorals are those Factotums that have organised their Faction or others to advance their respective Faction in the city or out in the Planes, and by extension, Her Grace. In addition, Factors who can no longer actively represent their Faction as much as required will also take post as Factorals, with the opportunity to regain their Factor branch once they are willing and able to perform the services expected of a Factor.
Factors are those Factorals that have developed their own branch of philosophy within their Faction, and use it to enhance the city with a new branch of service or out on the Planes. Their work is tireless, and Factor reports are to be delivered to the Dabus on a monthly basis so that Her Grace is fully informed of all the moving parts of her Factions.
The Factol is the acting leader of the Faction, as decided by a super majority of sixty six percent of all Factors in their Faction agreeing to their ascent. The ascent and descent of Factols is decided upon by internal rulings of the Faction in question. They are to report similarly to the Dabus as the Factors.
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