Caster Level(s): Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Conjuration
Descriptor(s): Acid/Fire/Cold/Electricity/Sound
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Close
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: Fortitude partial
Spell Resistance: No
An orb of Elemental Energy(Type Dependant on spell used) about 3 inches across shoots from your palm at its target, dealing 1d6 points of acid damage per caster level (maximum 25d6). You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. A creature struck by the orb takes damage and becomes Effect by the Elements effects for 1 round(Acid: Sickened, Cold: Blinded, Electricity: Entangled, Fire: Dazed, Sound: Dazed). A successful Fortitude save negates the Orbs effect but does not reduce the damage.