Oni learn magic on a path different from that of most arcane casters, unlocking powerful spell-like abilities.
Race: Oni
Class: Sorcerer, Bard, Warlock
Class Features[]
Hit Die: d6
Base Attack Bonus: Medium
High Saves: Will
Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier
Class Skills: Concentration, Intimidate, Listen, Spellcraft, Spot.
Total Class Levels: 5
Arcane Spellcasting: At each level (except 3rd level), an Ogre Mage gains new spells per day, plus another effective casting level, as if they progressed in an arcane spellcasting class that they had prior to becoming an ogre mage. If a character has multiple arcane spellcasting classes when becoming an ogre mage, they must choose which arcane spellcasting class will benefit.
Giant Attributes: Ogre Magi gain an additional +1 to strength at each odd-numbered level, as well as +1 to charisma at each even-numbered level.
Spell Resistance: An Ogre Mage gains spell resistance of 11 + character level.
Spell Affinity (Illusion): Ogre Magi are particularly adept at casting illusions, gaining a +1 to the difficulty class for all saving throws against their illusion spells.
Spell-Like Abilities: Ogre Magi gain a number of spell-like abilities as they progress. The caster level for these abilities is two-thirds the Ogre Mage's character level (e.g., a 27th-level character will cast them at 18th level).
Darkness: At first level, Ogre Magi can cast Darkness at will. This ability has a two-minute cooldown.
Hiss of Sleep: At third level, Ogre Magi can cast Hiss of Sleep 3 times per day.
Regeneration: At Fifth level, Oni have an innate ability to regenerate wounds. This ability starts at +2, and increases by +1 with each 9 character levels gained
Cone of Cold: At fifth level, Ogre Magi can cast Cone of Cold at will. This ability has a five-minute cooldown.