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The Oerth Pantheon (Greyhawk Campaign Setting)[]

The powers of Oerth make up one of the oldest and largest of the single-sphere pantheons. Its ranks include so many gods that it'd be fruitless to list them all; besides, they change so rapidly with the rise and fall of continental empires that any list'd be out of date before long.

Chant is Oerth is dying anyway, that the deities'd be just as happy leaving for greener pastures. Sadly for them, they're stuck here; apparently, they've got to fight it out on the world before they can try to expand onto the planes. Only a few bloods of the pantheon — like Celestian, god of travel — have made it beyond the crystal sphere, and that's because their portfolios appeal to bashers across the planes. Fact is, some of the deities are already worshipped (or at least respected) by many planars; they've got a decent chance of surviving the death throes of Oerth.

- On Hallowed Ground

The Greatest of Oerth[]

The six powers described below have the strength and desire to look beyond their own world. Celestian probably has the best shot at making it on the planes, but if any of the rest of the pantheon pulls through, it'll be this bunch. The others have realised their predicament too late, though it's remotely possible that a few of 'em could squeak through as well.

Celestian, the Far Wanderer[]

Alignment: Neutral Good. Portfolio: Stars, Space, Travel, Wanderers.

Incabulos, the Evilsent[]

Alignment: Neutral Evil. Portfolio: Drought, Plagues, Nightmares.

Nerull, the Reaper[]

Alignment: Neutral Evil. Portfolio: Death, Cold, Darkness, Evil, Murder.

St. Cuthbert, of the Cudgel[]

Alignment: Lawful Good. Portfolio: Common Sense, Discipline, Honesty, Truth, Wisdom, Zeal.

Trithereon, the Liberator[]

Alignment: Chaotic Good. Portfolio: Individuality, Liberty, Self-Determination.

Wee Jas, the Taker[]

Alignment: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil. Portfolio: Magic, Death, Law, Vanity.

The Desperate Deities[]

This list includes only the greater and intermediate powers, a handful of lesser deities popular among planeswalkers, and one locally important demipower, the demon-emperor Iuz. The Flanaess hosts numerous lesser gods as well, though those powers are almost certainly doomed to fall along with Oerth.

Pholtus, of the Blinding Light[]

Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral. Portfolio: Inflexibility, Knowledge, Inquisition, Law, the Sun.

Beory, Oerth Mother[]

Alignment: True Neutral. Portfolio: Earth, Nature, Rain, Oerth.

Boccob, the Archmage of the Gods[]

Alignment: True Neutral. Portfolio: Magic, Arcane Knowledge, Balance, Foresight.

Ehlonna, of the Forests[]

Alignment: Neutral Good. Portfolio: Forests, Woodlands, Flora and Fauna, Fertility.

Erythnul, the Many[]

Alignment: Chaotic Evil. Portfolio: Hate, Envy, Malice, Panic, Ugliness, Slaughter.

Fharlanghn, the Dweller on the Horizon[]

Alignment: Neutral Good. Portfolio: Horizons, Distance, Travel, Roads.

Heironeous, the Archpaladin[]

Alignment: Lawful Good. Portfolio: Chivalry, Justice, Honor, War, Daring, Valor.

Hextor, Herald of Hell[]

Alignment: Lawful Evil. Portfolio: War, Discord, Massacres, Conflict, Fitness, Tyranny.

Istus, the Lady of Our Fate[]

Alignment: True Neutral. Portfolio: Fate, Destiny.

Iuz, Lord of Evil, the Old One[]

Alignment: Chaotic Evil. Portfolio: Deceit, Oppression, Pain, Evil.

Kord, the Brawler[]

Alignment: Chaotic Good. Portfolio: Brawling, Athletics, Sport, Strength, Courage.

Lendor, Prince of Time, Master of Tedium[]

Alignment: Lawful Neutral. Portfolio: Time, Tedium.

Myhriss, Thrice-Kissed[]

Alignment: Neutral Good. Portfolio: Love, Romance, Beauty.

Obad-Hai, the Shalm[]

Alignment: True Neutral. Portfolio: Nature, Freedom, Hunting, Beasts.

Olidammara, the Laughing Rogue[]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Portfolio: Chaos, Luck, Trickery.

Pelor, the Sun Father[]

Alignment: Neutral Good. Portfolio: Sun, Light, Strength, Healing.

Procan, the Storm Lord[]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Portfolio: Sea, Ocean, Storms, Weather.

Ralishaz, the Unlooked For[]

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral. Portfolio: Chance, Ill Luck, Insanity.

Rao, the Calm God[]

Alignment: Lawful Good. Portfolio: Reason, Intellect, Peace.

Tharizdun, the Dark God, the Eater of Worlds[]

Alignment: Neutral Evil. Portfolio: Dark, Decay, Evil, Insanity.

Ulaa, the Stonewife[]

Alignment: Lawful Good. Portfolio: Mining, Earth, Mountains.

Vecna, the Arch Lich, Master of the Spider Throne[]

Alignment: Neutral Evil. Portfolio: Magic, Hidden Knowledge, Secrets, Liches.

Zilchus, the Great Guildmaster[]

Alignment: Lawful Neutral. Portfolio: Prestige, Business, Money, Influence, Power.
