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Movanic Deva by Kekai Kotaki-D&D 3ed (2011-01) Paizo Publishing Pathfinder - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Bestiary 2

As the most numerous of their kind, Movanic Devas serve proudly as infantry against the hordes of evil. Tasked with serving the needs of the Positive, Negative, and Material planes, some Movanic Devas consider themselves more worldly than their Astral and Monadic counterparts, since their travels grant them a better grasp of mortal affairs.

Slender and exceedingly agile, movanic devas have milky white skin and silvery hair and eyes.


Race: Aasimon

Feat: Martial Weapon Proficiency

Alignment: Good

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Class Features[]

Hit Die: d8

Base Attack Bonus: High

High Saves: Fortitude, Will

Skill Points: 4 + Int Modifier

Class Skills: Concentrate, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Listen, Spot

Total Class Levels: 10

Angelic Armor: An Astral Deva’s skin grows resistant to blows, gaining a +2 bonus to natural armor at level 4. This bonus increases to +3 at 7th level, +5 at 10th level.

Heavenly Strength: Movanic Devas gain an additional +2 bonus to Strength at 2nd  and 6th level and +1 at 9th level, giving them a total (including racial bonus) of +7. 

Angelic Immunity: At 3rd level, the Movanic Deva’s immunity to acid and cold increases to 50%. This bonus increases to 75% at 6th level and to 100% at 10th level.  

In addition, a movanic deva will gain immunity to negative and positive energy of 30% at 3rd level, 60% at 6th level, and 100% at 10th level 

Heavenly Charisma: Movanic Devas gain an additional +2 bonus to Charisma at 4th and 7th level, giving them a total (including racial bonus) of +6.

Movanic Spell-like Abilities: At 5th level, a Movanic Deva can cast Prayer at will, Cure Critical Wounds and Ethereal Jaunt three times per day, and Raise Dead once per day. Caster level is 10 + class level.

Flaming Weapon: At 6th level, any weapon wielded by a Movanic Deva can burst into flames, gaining +1d4 fire and +1d4 positive energy damage. This bonus lasts for five minutes.

Damage Reduction: at 7th level an Movanic Deva gains damage reduction 10/evil. 

Heavenly Deflection: at 9th level, a Movanic Deva is considered under the effect of an empowered Entropic Shield.

Angelic Aura: At 10th level, an Movanic Deva gains an Aura of Protection, which functions as a combination lesser globe of invulnerability and magic circle against evil. This aura can be activated at will and lasts for 2 minutes plus one round per character level. 

Level Caster level Ability Gained
1 -
2 - Heavenly Strength +2
3 - Angelic Immunity 50%
4 - Angelic Armor +2

Heavenly Charisma +2

5 - Movanic Spell like ability:

At Will: Prayer

3x/Day: Cure Critical Wounds, Ethereal Jaunt

1x/Day: Raise Dead

6 - Heavenly Strength +4 (total)

Angelic Immunity 75%

Flaming Weapon Weapon

7 - Angelic Armor +3

Heavenly Charisma +4 (total)

DR 10/evil

8 -
9 - Heavenly Strength +5 (total)

Heavenly Deflection

10 - Angelic Armor +5

Angelic Immunity 100%

Angelic Aura
