Sigil NWN2 PW Wiki

Spell Level: Innate 2, Cleric 2

School: Necromancy

Components: Verbal and Somatic

Range: Touch

Target / Area of Effect: Single

Duration: 1 minute + 6 seconds / CL

Save: Harmless

Spell Resistance: None

Metamagic: None


The spell imparts a physical transformation upon the subject, not unlike the process that produces a zombie. While the subject does not actually become undead, its vital processes are temporarily bypassed with no seeming ill effect. The subject is not subject to sneak attacks and critical hits for the duration of this spell, as though it were undead.


The vanilla Living Undeath has been reduced from 1 minute * Caster Level to 1 minute + 6s / CL, the Charisma penalty has been removed.
