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4105277-4dnd 20111214 frost+giant+jarl

Like most giant types, frost giants are big, strong, and mean. Unlike some others, they are reckless and wantonly destructive, more likely to fight as a loose horde than in strict military formation. Their rebellious nature makes it likely for individual giants to strike out on their own to escape a tribal rival and come into contact with groups of adventurers.


Race: Frost Giant

Base Attack Bonus: +2

Class Progression[]

Level Features Gained AC Increase (Total) Stat Increase (Total)
1 +1 AC (+3) +2 STR (+6)
2 Power Attack +1 AC (+4) +1 CON (+3)
3 Giant Stride 10% +1 AC (+5) +2 STR (+8)
4 Cold Subtype +1 AC (+6) +2 CON (+5)
5 Giant Stride 20% +1 AC (+7) +2 STR (+10)
6 +2 CON (+7)
7 Giant Stride 30% +4 STR (+14)

Class Features[]

Hit Die: d10

Base Attack Bonus: High

High Saves: Fortitude

Skill Points: 2 + Int Modifier

Class Skills: Craft Weapon, Craft Armor, Intimidate, Lore, Spot

Total Class Levels: 7

Giant Strength: At 1st, 3rd, and 5th levels, Frost Giants gain an additional +2 to Strength. At 7th level, Frost Giants gain an additional +4 to Strength, giving them a total of +10 (+14 with racial bonus).

Natural Armor: At 1st through 5th levels, Frost Gaints gain an additional point of (non-stacking?) Natural AC up to a total of +5 (+7 with racial bonus).

Giant Durability: At 2nd level, Frost Giants gain an additional +1 to Constitution. At 4th and 6th levels, Frost Giants gain an additional +2 Constitution, giving them a total of +5 (+7 with racial bonus).

Power Attack: At 2nd level, Frost Giants gain the feat Power Attack.

Giant Stride: At 3rd level, Frost Giants are able to take much larger strides than average humanoids, resulting in a +10% movement speed bonus. This bonus increases to +20% at 5th level, and +30% at 7th level.

Cold Subtype: At 4th level, Frost Giants become totally immune to Cold damage, but their vulnerability to Fire damage also increases.
