Sigil NWN2 PW Wiki

The leader of a Faction.

Most Factols were Factors before ascending to the top of the pyramid, but occasionally a popular Factotum can seize control.

Factols wield great power; the sod who crosses one might end up in the dead-book. These leaders have the resources of their factions at their fingertips; they command their followers, and virtually rule the City of Doors (through voting in the Hall of Speakers of course).

Note that one faction (currently) has no official leader: the Free League (Indeps).

Server note: Factols are NPCs, and only ever played by the DMs.

List of Factols[]

Factol Terrance, (Athar)

Factol Ambar Vergrove, (Believers of the Source)

Factol Lhar, (Bleak Cabal)

Factol Pentar, (Doomguard)

Factol Skall, (Dustmen)

Factol Duke Rowan Darkwood, (Fated)

Factol Hashkar, (Fraternity of Order)

Factol Tonat Shar*, (Harmonium)

Factol Alisohn Nilesia, (Mercykillers)

Factol Jeremo the Natterer (Ring Givers)

Factol Darius, (Sign of One)

Factol Erin Montgomery, (Society of Sensation)

Factol Rhys, (Transcendent Order)

Factol Karan, (Xaositects)

*The Harmonium were previously led by Factol Sarin, but he was assassinated by anarchists in 136Ha.
