Sigil NWN2 PW Wiki

A branch of the Athar.

Head: Factol Terrance

Description: Suspiciously like a temple you might find on a prime, but their religion is directly opposed to the gods themselves.

Role in the Cage[]

The Church of the Great Unknown acts more or less like what you'd expect of a religious community. The Athar here perform services; casting of divine spells, offering charity, and shelter to those in need, to name but a few. The key difference to this temple compared to the myriad other temples both in the City of Sigil and outside of it, is that the Church operates entirely opposed to the other religions of the Multiverse.

If a body has irritated a Power and has their proxies after them? The Athar will give them aid. Cursed by a wicked priest and don't have long to live? Just head down to the Shattered Temple and have it removed. Need the dark on a particular Power for your next Planewalk? Here Terrance and his cult will be happy to oblige.

For Factol Terrance, by showing to the everyday basher that the Powers and their machinations are purely fallible, petty and above all else, not truly Divine, he hopes that people will come and join the flock as they seek to enlighten themselves on True Divinity; the Great Unknown.


Since Factol Terrance runs the Church of the Great Unknown, its philosophy is the core tenets of the Athar.

However, as times change so do outlooks, and for Terrance that couldn't be more true. Rather than just worshiping the Great Unknown, Terrance reckons it's the Athars job to bring it fully into the Multiverse. Seems barmy doesn't it? They reckon it's the Great Unknowns job to judge all the False-Powers and send them packing, ushering in an age where the True Divine is the only divine. How do they plan to do it? Well that's just the dark of it cutter, ain't it?
