Although mastery of sorcery is the usual path to power among the Slaadi, some manage to retain their original forms and still gain some level of renown. These are the Champions of Chaos, terrifying avatars of destruction who spread chaos throughout the planes.
Race: Slaad
Base Attack Bonus: +4
Feat: Weapon Focus: Creature
Class Features:[]
Hit Die: d12
Base Attack Bonus: High
High Saves: Fortitude
Skill Points: 2 + Int modifier
Class Skills: Intimidate, Listen, Parry, Survival, Taunt
Total Levels: 6
Level | Features Gained | Chaotic Attributes |
1 | Fast Healing +1 | +1 Strength |
2 | Claws of Chaos 1d4 | +1 Constitution |
3 | DR 5/lawful, Fast Healing +2 | +1 Dexterity |
4 | Claws of Chaos 1d6, Fast Healing +3 | +1 Strength |
5 | Chaos Hammer, Fast Healing +4 | +1 Constituion |
6 | Summon Slaad, DR 10/lawful, Claws of Chaos 1d8, Fast Healing +5 | +1 Dexterity |
Chaotic Attributes: At 1st and 4th level, the Champion of Chaos gains a +1 bonus to Strength. At 2nd and 5th level, they gain a +1 bonus to Constitution. At 3rd and 6th level, they gain a +1 bonus to Dexterity.
Ability Score | Total Gain |
STR | +2 |
CON | +2 |
DEX | +2 |
Regeneration: A Champion of Chaos’s wounds heal on their own. It receives fast healing 1 at 1st level, and an additional point of fast healing at levels 3, 4, 5, and 6. For a total of Fast Healing +5 at 6th level.
Claws of Chaos: At 2nd level, a Champion of Chaos can infuse its attacks with chaotic energies. When active, every hit does an additional 1d4 damage of a random type between fire, electric, acid, cold, sonic, negative, or positive energy. This damage increases to 1d6 at 4th level and again to 1d8 at 6th level. This ability lasts for 3 minutes and has a 5-minute cooldown.
Damage Reduction: At 3rd level, a Champion of Chaos gains damage reduction 5/lawful. This increases to 10/lawful at 6th level.
Chaos Hammer: At 5th level, a Champion of Chaos can use chaos hammer as a spell-like ability as a caster of half their character level. This ability has a cooldown of 5 minutes between uses.
Summon Slaad: Once per day, a 6th level Champion of Chaos can summon another Slaad to do the Champion's bidding. This creature advances with the Champion of Chaos’s character level and occupies the henchman slot.