Sigil NWN2 PW Wiki

This section contains information about the variety of locations that can be found in and around the planes.

The pages may contain both general information taken from lore and server specific information. Please consider information not documented as general/common knowledge to be information that must be learned IC. (This page and it's categories are still considered a WIP, not all information intended to be included is in yet, so have patience please. Direct any questions or confusion to DMs or the Wiki channel in the discord)

The Planescape Multiverse

A collage of illustrations found in D&D and Planescape books by zen29 from deviantart. (Click on image to zoom in)

Inside Sigil[]

"Map" of Sigil

A "map" of Sigil, showing major centers of population and the more current streets.

They say mapping Sigil and the planes is a fool's errand. Sigil's landscape is ever changing as the Dabus maintain the city at the Lady's command. Sometimes whole blocks will disappear and be replaced, whether or not someone lived there. Roads are ever changing, and more so, you might end up seeing your old kip ten miles below the surface in Undersigil one cycle. Nonetheless, major centers of gathering or importance don't tend to disappear. It's definitely better to get directions from a tout you can trust, than relying on an old "map" from yesterday. Nonetheless, included in this section is the best approximation of a "helpful map". See The City of Sigil for further details unrelated to its wards.


Outer Planes[]

The Outer Planes are aligned in a wheel around the Outlands, this is the best approximation to a "map" one has for the whole planar locations. The real truth is that no one exactly know how they're truly "aligned" together, this is just the current reigning cosmological model that cutters believe in. And that's the key here, belief. The planes are run on belief, and if enough people believe in this model, it's as true as it gets, for now. It's the best way to make sense of the outer planes.


The Cosmology Model for the Outer Planes

Some may wonder then how does a body get from one plane to another? Well one way of course, is portals. But most cutters probably knew that. Portals however, aren't always easy to come by, or are unstable. And not every berk can planeshift, or shift cargo. But canny denizens know of planar pathways, such as The River Styx and The River Oceanus. And another way, is to wander deep enough in the Outlands, past the archetypal Gatetowns, until you find yourself in their corresponding outer plane's first layer. Most people living or dying in the outer planes will have some knowledge about how to get around.

Inner Planes[]

Similarly with the Outer Planes, the Inner Planes are arranged, or at least logically so, in a way to make sense of their planar positions and importance to the bodies of people who live and die off the Prime. These are the planes supposedly responsible for making up the "stuff" of the Prime. Most bodies know about the classic air, earth, fire, and water planes, but what's more here is the inner planes are home to those elements' own combinations with each other, and the planes of energy, which directly contribute to the life and death cycles of beings. Like with the rest of the planes, travel to each one is simple, but not always easy, with a portal and planeshift. Luckily, all those combinations between the big four elements allows for a planeswalker to go to the plane of Earth and traverse it until they find pockets of it's adjacent planes, such as Ooze. And as such, one could walk from Ooze all the way to Water! However, one can't get from the Inner Planes to the Outer Planes "naturally", but a body can find the curtains of the Border Ethereal to travel to the Prime Material.

Knowing which road to take though isn't nearly as important as knowing whether or not a body can survive the environs of each Inner Plane. Such as Water is entirely water, berk. You might find air pockets, and the occasional earth motes floating around where their edges fray into the para and quasi planes, but you better find a way to breathe if you need to! However, some Inner Planes are far less survivable without the right precautions, as some might just immediately kill a berk upon arrival.

Inner planes

The Cosmology Model for the Inner Planes

Elemental Planes[]

Para-Elemental Planes[]

Quasi-Elemental Planes[]

  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Lightning
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Mineral
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Radiance
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Steam
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Vacuum
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Dust
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Ash
  • Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt

Energy Planes[]

  • Negative Energy Plane
  • Positive Energy Plane

Transitive Planes[]

There are only two known transitive planes that connect the primes to the outer planes, and the primes to the inner planes. The Plane of Shadow is not a transitive plane in 2e, or for us. Instead it is a demiplane in the ethereal plane. As well, there are rumors or scholarly theories, that a third transitive plane must exist, to bridge the outer planes to the inner planes. But no evidence has ever been found, but everything has to follow the rule of three's.

  • Astral Plane
  • Ethereal Plane

The Prime Material Plane and Crystal Spheres[]

Inner and Transitive Planes

There is only one prime material plane, however, all these various primes are Crystal Spheres within the Philogiston. There is theorized to be an unlimited or unknown number of prime worlds, but these are a few common named ones.

  • Oerth
  • Abier-Toril
  • Athas
  • Ortho

All items (14)
