The achievement system records notable events or deeds of your character. You can open the achievement window to view your character's achievements via a button on the DMFI button panel.
Every character will earn a few achievements - for entering the city, for finding their first portal, and so on. But there are other achievements which require more dedicated work, or DM event participation.
Note for 4/1/2021 update - there are in fact 80 achievements at present, but not all of them have been implemented. The implemented achievements are listed below:
Achievement List[]
This is an overview list of currently available achievements. Go to the individual achievement pages for more detailed notes.
Around the City / Non-Combat[]
- Against the Gods - Complete all three Athar quests
- Charity Drive - Give to the beggar in the Bazaar 50 times
- Heard-hearted - Kick the beggar 50 times
- Peeled a Berk - Choose one of the "lie" options while talking with a Clueless Berk
- Fortune Told - Ask the Fire Weird or Black Marian to tell you your fortune
- Helped a Berk - Choose one of the "help" options while talking with a Clueless Berk
- Jumped out the Window - Find and open a stable portal
- Practically a Tout - Visit each ward of the city at least once
- Rented a Chirper's Apartment - Buy a Chirper's Apartment key
- Sensate Lectures - Watch one of the lectures in the Civic Festhall
- Soul-broker - Have Quest: Soul Contracts
- Stayed at the Bird of Paradise - Buy a Bird of Paradise room key (City of Brass)
- Styxed It - Remove one or more levels via Styx water
- The Back Room - Get to the back room of the Bottle and Jug
- The Experience of Learning - Watch all of the lectures at the Civic Festhall
- Under the Table - Found the Night Market
- Viewed an Execution - View the Execution scene in the Lady's Ward
- Welcome to the Cage - Enter Sigil for the first time
Bet Your Life![]
- Bet Your Life! - Play a game of Bet Your Life!
- Bet Your Life - Victor - Win a game of Bet Your Life!
- Card Shark - Win 10 or more games of Bet Your Life!
Class Specific[]
- All the Spells - Learn over 250 spells
DM Granted[]
- Factor - Get to Factor rank or equivalent in a faction
- Factotum - Get to Factotum rank or equivalent in a faction
- Twin Cages Campaign - Participated in the last event of the Twin Cages Campaign of 2020
- Against the Gods - Complete all three Athar quests
- Philosopher with a Club - Join a faction
- Factotum - Get to Factotum rank or equivalent in a faction
- Factor - Get to Factor rank or equivalent in a faction
- Sensate Lectures - Watch one of the lectures in the Civic Festhall
- The Experience of Learning - Watch all of the lectures at the Civic Festhall
- Viewed an Execution - View the Execution scene in the Lady's Ward
- Wayward Soul - Leave a faction
- Gambled an Item - Buy a random item from one of the Item Gamblers
- A Matter of Luck - Buy 10 or more random items from one of the Item Gamblers
- You Might be an Addict - Buy 50 or more random items from one of the Item Gamblers
Gymnasium Arena[]
- Sands of the Arena - Fight a duel in the Gymnasium
- Gladiator - Fight 10 or more arena duels
- Are You Not Entertained?! - Fight 50 or more arena duels
- Fit to Print - Publish an article in SIGIS
- A Contributer - Submit 10 articles to SIGIS
- A Real Journalist - Submit 50 articles to SIGIS
Low Level (<10)[]
- Counting Worms - Die and respawn for the first time
- Jumped out the Window - Find and open a stable portal
- Lemon and Lime - Complete the Niflhiem time quest
- No Shelf too High! - Get to the ledge with loot in the Undersigil area under the Lower Ward
- Secret of the King's Eye - Find and enter the King's Eye tomb in Undersigil
- Smells like Cinnamon - Die to the Kadyx in the Slags
Mid Level (10-20)[]
- Anti-Magic Zone - Go through the tower in the Slags
- A Game of Chess - Find and "play" the chess game in the Demiplane
- Sailed the Astral - Pay for passage on the Astral Ship
- Stayed at the Bird of Paradise - Buy a Bird of Paradise room key
High Level (20+)[]
- Ascended Descending - Kill the Ascended in Niflheim
- Bloodcrow - Kill 1000 monsters in the Abyss
- Dragon Slayer - Kill the red dragon in the Astral
- Hard Hitter - Do over 100 damage in a single hit
- Painbringer No More - Kill Painbringer
- Reach Max Level - Get to level 30 or equivalent
- Soul-broker - Have Quest: Soul Contracts
- The Deadliest Plants - Kill Ebolakhan
- Voices in the Wind - Get confused by Pandemonium Winds
All items (52)