Sigil NWN2 PW Wiki
Achievement window

The achievement system records notable events or deeds of your character. You can open the achievement window to view your character's achievements via a button on the DMFI button panel.

Every character will earn a few achievements - for entering the city, for finding their first portal, and so on. But there are other achievements which require more dedicated work, or DM event participation.

Note for 4/1/2021 update - there are in fact 80 achievements at present, but not all of them have been implemented. The implemented achievements are listed below:

Achievement List[]

This is an overview list of currently available achievements. Go to the individual achievement pages for more detailed notes.

Around the City / Non-Combat[]

Bet Your Life![]

Class Specific[]

DM Granted[]

  • Factor - Get to Factor rank or equivalent in a faction
  • Factotum - Get to Factotum rank or equivalent in a faction
  • Twin Cages Campaign - Participated in the last event of the Twin Cages Campaign of 2020



Gymnasium Arena[]


Low Level (<10)[]

Mid Level (10-20)[]

High Level (20+)[]

All items (52)
