Sigil NWN2 PW Wiki

Avoid Planar Effects (Abjuration)

Spell level: Cleric/FS 2, Druid/SS 2, Ranger 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 3; innate 3

Components: Verbal, Somatic

Descriptor: Planar

Range: Touch

Area of Effect: one creature

Duration: 1 round/caster level

Save: harmless

Spell resistance: No

This spell protects a body against the natural hazards of planeswalking. If one goes 'walking to the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Salt', for example, the atmosphere won't dehydrate and salinate a sod with this spell active, but a Salt Mephit casting 'dehydrate' or using their breath weapon will harm you just fine. This spell also provides a modest protection against even extreme or magical elemental damage (2/- Resistance Fire, Acid, Electricity, Cold) but it is best not to rely on these in battle.
