Following Animal Companions have been added:
- Horse
- Deer
- Snake (high AC, strong venom)
- Dog
- Tiger
- Lion
A new feat has been added to allow even more companions:
Improved Companion
Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Base Attack Bonus +8. Druid, Ranger or Cleric with Animal Domain.
Specifics: Instead of an animal companion, you have a magical beast, vermin, plant or monstrous companion.
Use: Passive
Improved Companions:
- Celestial Axe Beak (non-evil alignment only)
- Deinonychus (???)
- Treant (non-evil alignment only)
- Shadow Mastiff (non-good alignment only)
- Worg (non-good alignment only)
- Hell Hound (Non-good alignment only)