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There are five ranks accessible to players in every faction. They are:
- Namer
- Factioneer
- Factotum
- Factoral
- Factor
Every faction also has a Factol leading the faction, but this rank is NPC only.
PCs advance in the factions by demonstrating belief in the faction's ideals and distinguishing themselves as leaders. Please note that the guidelines below are meant to give you direction on how to achieve your rank. DMs will not grant rank for things attempting to gamify the system and not rp. Likewise, your Factol must actually like what your PC does. DMs will be watching for good story being generated, and in kind be watching for those racing to get power without sufficient story.
Please note that many factions have special names for each rank, but the number and function of the ranks remains the same.
Namers are the lowest rank of every faction, and, as the name suggests, they are members of that faction in "name only." They can freely switch to another faction, and no one will think much of it. They are not expected to fully "get" their faction, or completely buy into their faction's philosophy. Likewise, they don't get faction benefits or dark information until fully initiated.
PCs should use the rank of Namer to "check out" a faction, and make sure it is the right one for their PC.
How to reach Namer Rank[]
Get a faction badge from the Faction Mimir in the OOC room (or appropriate in game NPC for the factions which have one).
These are fully fledged base members of the factions (and their rank title is often used to refer to faction members in general, regardless of rank!). They are still in a position of learning, but now are allowed a faction's basic protection and perks, as well as a job in their respective Faction HQ. It's a Factioneer's responsibility to find a rp job they enjoy and find mentorship under a Factotum, Factoral, or Factor. Factioneers are often settled with menial jobs, the small things that need doing everyday to make the faction run such as:
- Desk Clerks
- Cleaning
- Cooks
- Assistants
- Other faction specific menial jobs
This is not an exhaustive list, but feel free to use your creativity! Factioneers is the rank where someone is finally a bit more comfortable (but not well off) thanks to their benefits, and most of Sigil's factioneer numbers are Factioneers! Many people find they are happy in this rank, though those who wish to ascend must catch a higher rank's eye.
How to reach Factioneer Rank[]
Get a higher ranked member of the faction (factioneer or above) to vouch for you, and go through the faction's initiation ritual.
If you cannot find another PC in the faction, contact a member of the DM team, and they will rank you up.
Factotums are faction members who have shown some leadership skill - enough to be put in charge of the occasional project or entrusted with responsibility in their faction. They are often seen leading recruitment drives, presenting minor bills in the Hall of Speakers, and representing their faction in the public square.
In addition to leadership, Factotums are expected to have "bought in" to at least the basic tenets of their faction, and to have started integrating its philosophy into their lives. It is at this rank that many factotums might finally be allowed to know some of the darks of a faction, but not all.
How to reach Factotum Rank[]
Run a player event that pushes your faction's agenda, or brings attention to your faction. If the event is enjoyed by attending players and any assisting EMs or DMs, then your PC has earned the rank of Factotum.
Examples of player-run events include:
- Teaching a class / Giving a lecture
- Throwing a party/gala
- Holding a competition
- Holding a debate
- Running a charity drive
The above are only examples for your inspiration. Your character should pick something tailored to their faction and goals.
Factorals are faction members who have demonstrated their loyalty and competency to their faction to the point that they have been given real responsibility in the faction. They likely have fellow factioneers under their command, and are entrusted with important tasks.
By the time a character has reached Factoral, it is expected that they be "living" their faction's philosophy, and possibly have started to develop their own take upon it.
How to reach Factoral Rank[]
Run an event with the help of an EM or DM, where your character takes the "lead." This means that you:
- Present the EM or DM with a reasonably detailed pitch for the event
- Have a strong idea of your character's goals and motivation for this event
- Will be rallying other PCs to your character's cause and/or acting as questgiver for this event
The event should advance your faction, as well as your character's take on your faction. If everyone enjoys the event (players, DM/EM involved), then your character has earned the rank of Factoral.
Factors are faction members who have become leaders in their faction, advancing the goals of the faction, and guiding their fellow factioneers. These are the people second only to the Factol, and are the Factol's own personal agents and advisors. Shrouded in both prestige and some mystery, Factors are nearly slaves to their own faction's philosophy and their own ideals. A blood that is worth their salt. Factors are expected by then to have formulated their own branch that provides a service to their Faction with their own sub-belief that others can subscribe to.
As well, Factors run the branches of a faction to oversee different operations as the Faction, Philosophy, or City needs. Branches run by Factors can serve a practical or impractical service as it pertains to their own sub-beliefs, though they are not monopolies on their chosen niche. Factions will often have overlapping functions that branches must either initiate some intrigue with, or combine to make a cross-faction service! If you're not interested in such rp, you must make a branch that doesn't infringe on pre-existing player made branches.
By the time a character has reached Factor, they should have completely bought into their faction's philosophy.
How to reach Factor Rank[]
Run a multi-event plotline with the help of an EM or DM, where your character takes the "lead." The requirements are the same as the event for Factoral rank, but this plotline should be more ambitious.
The plotline should advance your faction, as well as your character's take on your faction. If everyone enjoys the plot (players, DM/EM involved), then your character has earned the rank of Factor.
Maintaining the Rank of Factor[]
Factors lead or co-lead their own branch within their faction. This means that they are expected to be actively guiding and making fun for other characters in their faction.
If a factor becomes inactive, or no longer wants to keep up with the requirements of their rank, they can retire and take on the rank of Factoral.
Factions and their Branches[]
Faction philosophy and the Factol's will reigns supreme in the faction, regardless of its branches. A Factor and their branch will not supersede orders from the Factol, or the Factol's agents. However, this does not mean any higher rank can command any lower rank. Lower ranks in a faction branch are expected to follow their branch orders second to the overall faction orders. Some factions will of course have a very different idea about orders and hierarchy. With the exception of branch-leaders (Factor and their Factorals) giving prior permission or collaboration with another branch's Factor/Factorals. Outside such, subordinates are still expected to answer to any superior. Being in a branch does not make you untouchable by your fellow factioneers. Some clarifying examples include:
- Factor of Branch A wants to command Factotum of Branch B on a Branch B mission. The Factotum is within their rights to continue with their Branch B orders instead of obeying the Factor of Branch A
- Factor of Branch A is in collaboration with the Factor of Branch B for a mission, and has been given permission to direct others in Branch B for said mission. This is ok.
- Factor of Branch A may command a lower rank of Branch B when not in situations relating to either's branch. Such as, putting up signs to direct crowds in the Hall of Speakers, or being relieved of guard duty in favor of another action in a faction HQ, or being assigned to a Factol given mission.
As well, factioneers of equivalent ranks of course, are not permitted to command others of equivalent rank unless under the Factol's direct and written orders. A Factotum might be given charge of a mission with other factotums assigned. Keep in mind that this is to enable rp and give opportunities for intrigue or cooperation, and is a base example.