Also known as Angels, the Aasimon are a race of celestials who live on the good-aligned Outer Planes. They are impeccably honorable in all their dealings and often prove the most trustworthy and diplomatic of all celestials. While many Aasimon live quiet lives on the upper planes as nurturers and functionaries, most consider the highest calling of the race to join the Heavenly Host as a deva.
All Aasimon are blessed with comely looks, although their actual appearances vary widely. As natives of the upper planes, Aasimon are never evil. Neutral Aasimon exist, but they generally live outcast existences and never become part of the Heavenly Host.
Regardless of their alignment, angels never lie, cheat, or steal. They are impeccably honorable in all their dealings and often prove the most trustworthy and diplomatic of all the celestials.
Ability Adjustments: +2 Strength, +2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma.
Darkvision: Aasimon can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Wings: Aasimon have feathered wings which alllow them to move quickly.
Angelic Immunity: Aasimon are 25% immune to acid and cold, and immune to petrification. These immunities grow stronger for those Aasimon who join the ranks of the Heavenly Host as a Deva.
Immunity to petrification seems not to work as of 10/09/21.
Elemental Resistance: Aasimon have damage resistance to electricity of 10.
Spell Resistance: Spell resistance of 11 + character level.
Favored Class: Favored Soul.
Languages Known: Common, Celestial
Aasimon may choose from three Racial Prestige Classes: Astral Deva, Monadic Deva, and Movanic Deva. Although they may qualify for more than one, these classes' feats and abilities do not stack, and taking more than one may severely hamper the character.